All Library users are requested to register with the library by applying for a library admission card for reference use or a borrower’s card for borrowing.
Only the person named on the library card may use it
Loss of card should be reported to the library immediately.
Users must not disturb other people using the library.
The card shall not be lend to anyone else, nor used to admit any one else
Smoking drinking and eating is prohibited in any part of the library
Books, Journals & other library material must not be damaged, defaced or marked in any way
Users are advised to switch off their mobile phone while in the library or in the reading room
Silence is mandatory at all cost in the library and the reading room
The mobile can be confiscated if found using in the library or the Reading room
Material belonging to the library may not be removed without the permission of the Librarian.
Periodicals and reference books are not normally available for loan
Any items being removed may be examined by Library Attendant or Other member of staff to ensure this regulation is observed
Borrowers are responsible for all loans made with their card. A charge will be made for items lost or badly damaged while on loan.
Loan should be return by due date stamped on the back page. Normally loans may be renewed if they are not reserved by another User.
The Library reserves the right to recall any book if it is reserved by another user.